“Cartooning through Cancer”
In Summer 2019, I was studying for an MA in Photography Arts at Westminster. After completing all but the final project, I found I had quite advanced Pancreatic Cancer and had to withdraw. I was shocked and scared but realised that positive thinking would be vital so decided to record the experience through cartoons. My aim was to acknowledge suffering but to search for the positives and humorous moments in a life threatening situation. Several months of intensive chemotherapy and major surgery followed. These images were made in the moments of feeling less unwell between the chemo sessions. I take nothing for granted now but thanks to the wonderful NHS, I am delighted to have another chance at living! The series was originally called “Unexpected Module” because I have learnt so much about art and life in the process. It was like an alternative final module of the MA. Not one I would have chosen, but as a compulsory module it has it’s points! It has given me great satisfaction that several patients and relatives have found these images encouraging or at least amuse other patients. Some of them may require a medical explanation - these will appear if you hover over the picture.
Three of the images were displayed in the Arts for Health Milton Keynes online art exhibition and two were displayed in the linked Milton Keynes Art Gallery in October 2020. The link for Arts for health is https://artsforhealthmk.org.uk I compiled these images into a book shown below. Contact me if you would like to buy a copy.